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Grant Stephens: The difference

Excellent communication

Because I have an excellent support crew doing behind the scenes paperwork and research, I can concentrate on keeping you, my clients, up to date and informed with changes as they happen.

Outstanding communication means being able to give and understand directives, learn new things, make requests, ask questions, and convey information with ease. In fact, a large part of good communication is about being empathic, so I understand how others will interpret words and behaviour.

Strong relationships

Relationships are the reason why I get fast results. I deal with banks and non-bank lenders frequently. I understand what they need to know and how they like the information supplied.

All strong relationships have three things in common: trust, commitment, and vulnerability. As your mortgage adviser, I need to understand your situation so that I can provide the best advice and solutions.

Transparent fees

I am crystal clear with my fees (if they apply); I show you what and how I earn. For the most part, the lenders pay us for our services, not you – it’s advice that puts you in a better position. Fees generally only apply when seeking funding outside the main banks (non-bank lenders).

Leading with transparency helps ensure expectations are appropriately set and fulfilled. I am all about being open and honest and trying to make financial discussions as genuine as possible.

Client first

I always do what is best for my clients. Rest assured; we don’t just go to the lender that pays us the most – I want my clients to come back to me for repeat business as well.

This is not to be confused with ‘the customer is always right’, because you’re not. My experience and knowledge comes to the fore and by putting you first, what I am promising is that everything I advise, is to ensure the best results for you.


Everything that I learn along the way – changes to policies and requirements – are passed onto my clients for their benefit.

By delivering exceptional customer service, I ensure high customer loyalty – they stick around – which is an excellent way to compare mortgage advisers.


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