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Kenneth Fong

Mortgage Adviser
FSP Number: 552906

Kenneth started his banking career in Hong Kong and was a Business Manager at HSBC Hong Kong before joining Westpac NZ in 2000 where he focused on home lending. In a bid to expand his NZ banking experience, Kenneth went on to work for The National Bank in 2008, before re-joining Westpac in 2011 as a Relationship Manager responsible for managing customer relationships and lending assessment.

Kenneth holds a NZ Certificate in Financial Services (Residential Property Lending) and his solid banking and financial knowledge allows him to provide the best financial solutions for his clients.

Kenneth 曾经在海外及本地银行工作多年,具有丰富房屋及商业贷款经验,能夠为客戶提供最好的贷款方案,及帮助客戶获取最有利贷款条件。如有需要,欢迎来电查询。

When he’s not helping clients achieve their goals, Kenneth enjoys watching and playing football, travelling, or catching the latest movie releases at the cinema.

Contact Kenneth on 021 0200 0170 or email

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